
  • M. N. Lebedeva
  • Ye. V. Tereshchenkova
  • A. M. Ageenko
  • A. A. Ivanova


idiopathic scoliosis, surgical correction of scoliosis, hemostasis, piezoelectric thromboelastography, blood loss


Actuality. Corrective surgery for scoliosis have a special place in the surgery of spinal deformities. There are only a few reports about the features of the hemostatic system in patients with scoliosis and there are no reliable predictors of the expected volume of intraoperative blood loss. The aim of the study was to evaluate opportunities of the method of low-frequency piezoelectric thromboelastography for predicting an expected intraoperative blood loss in scoliosis surgery. Matherials and methods. Preoperative hemostatic potential was investigated in 29 patients with idiopathic scoliosis using technology of low-frequency piezoelectric thromboelastography. The dynamics of the process under investigation was determined by changes in the blood aggregation and recorded as an integral curve of the low-frequency piezoelectric thromboelastogram. Results. Two types of the state of hemostatic potential were revealed which are significantly different in terms of intraoperative blood loss. Intraoperative blood loss in twenty six patients with hypocoagulable type of hemostatic potential was 630 ml, and in three patients with hypercoagulable type — 1500 ml. Conclusions. Application of the method of low-frequency piezoelectric thromboelastography in patients with scoliosis allows to identify cases with particularly high risk of intraoperative bleeding development.


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How to Cite

Лебедева, М. Н., Терещенкова, Е. В., Агеенко, А. М., & Иванова, А. А. (2023). FIRST EXPERIENCE OF LOW-FREQUENCY PIEZOELECTRIC THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY APPLICATION IN SCOLIOSIS SURGERY. Clinical Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, (1), 37–44. Retrieved from