regional anesthesia, unilateral spinal anesthesia, diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot syndromeAbstract
In our work, we compare such types of regional anesthesia as unilateral spinal anesthesia, traditional spinal anesthesia, and sciatic nerve blockade during surgical interventions in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. The effectiveness, reliability and safety of these types of regional anesthesia are analyzed. The best option of regional anesthesia for patients with diabetic foot syndrome are determined. All patients were monitored for cardiovascular parameters, Doppler scan of peripheral blood flow. The effectiveness of the regional unit, its time of attack, duration and depth are evaluated. Regional anesthesia is the main method of choice for operations on the foot compared to methods of general anesthesia. Due to the influence of regional anesthesia on the sympathetic system in patients, the reparative processes of the operated limb are improved and there is a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Unilateral spinal anesthesia was found to significantly decrease the area of desimpathization compared with traditional spinal anesthesia, which leads to stability of hemodynamics and eliminates urinary problems in the postoperative period.
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