
  • O. O. Starets
  • N. V. Kotova
  • K. O. Loseva
  • O. V. Fedorenko




emergency care for children, practical skills, simulation learning


The purpose of the article is to present the experience of introducing simulation training methods and a universal approach to rapid assessment, recognition and stabilization of life-threatening states in the medical educational process, and to discuss problematic issues. Materials and methods. The authors presented the experience of introducing approaches to the assessment, recognition and stabilization of emergency conditions in children using imitation teaching methods. Results. The introduction of simulation training methods and a unified approach to the assessment, recognition and stabilization of emergency conditions in children raises the level of satisfaction with the learning process of students and doctors. The training course forms both new knowledge, and psychomotor and behavioral skills of providing emergency care to children. Introduction of simulation training causes a number of educational and methodological and organizational issues and requires integration both within the framework of one discipline and interdisciplinary integration. Conclusions. Simulative training in emergency and emergency care for children demonstrates significant advantages over traditional forms of training. When implementing simulation training, it is necessary to use internationally recognized training programs. A training course on the evaluation, recognition and stabilization of emergency conditions in children is a good example of this approach. When teaching students, it is advisable to pay attention to the technique of performing the most important practical skills on algorithms. Interns need to form the basis of teamwork and communication. Physicians of pediatric specialties should update every five years the knowledge and practical skills of providing emergency care and improve their teamwork skills and work with modern equipment.


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How to Cite

Старець, О. О., Котова, Н. В., Лосєва, К. О., & Федоренко, О. В. (2022). EXPERIENCE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SIMULATION LEARNING AND A UNIVERSAL APPROACH TO ASSESSING, RECOGNIZING AND STABILIZING LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS IN CHILDREN. Clinical Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, (1), 93–102. https://doi.org/10.31379/2411.2616.11.1.7