cerebral ischemia, neuroprotection, sodium thiopental, propofolAbstract
Objective: to determine the effect pharmokologic preconditioning with thiopental sodium, propofol on the course of experimental cerebral ischemia Materials and Methods. An experimental study conducted in 43 outbred white rats with thromboembolic ischemia model. In 20 rats total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) using thiopental sodium was made, in other 20 — propofol was used. There was studied the morpho-functional state of the senso-motor cortex. Results. In experimental cerebral ischemia, already since the first hour of the course, significant changes in functional senso-motor cortex state took place. As under thiopental sodium anesthesia as well as under propofol anesthesia is the first hours of stroke, which is characterized by changes in the structure of intracerebral microvessels perivascular edema with symptoms of astrocytes neuroglia and atrophy, degenerative changes endothelium with destroying of the intracellular organelles structure and decrease micropinocytoz activity. As a result of degenerative changes in neurons observed changes in the neurocytes processes, particularly in the synaptic apparatus, which undoubtedly leads to the violation of their functional state. The use of intravenous anesthetics, both propofol and thiopental sodium, did not show pronounced antiischemic properties as neuroprotective agends preparstiond.
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