
  • I. Basenko
  • D. Obieschyk
  • O. Suslov




cognitive dysfunction; preoperative evaluation; elderly patients; RCS; Mini-Cog; MoCA


Abstract. Preoperative cognitive dysfunction is associated with the development of postoperative delirium, frequent and severe complications of massive operations in elderly patients. Screening for cognitive impairment should be common practice in the preoperative examination of elderly patients. However, the implementation of this screening is not always feasible in view of the sometimes strict timeframe of the preoperative period and limited resources. The purpose of this review is to provide the reader with information on existing cognitive function screening tools that can easily become routibe for a preoperative examination plan for elderly patients before major surgical procedures. The purpose of this review was to identify cognitive screening tools that could be easily integrated into the evaluation of elderly patients cognitive status before a major operation. Our team had searched for data on cognitive function assessment tools in the PubMed research database for a 7-year period. As a result, 7 tools were found, the average testing time for which was 4 minutes. Among the tools, sensitivity to cognitive impairment ranged from 79% to 99%, and specificity ranged from 70% to 98%. From the 7 identified instruments, only two (Mini-Cog and RCS) were tested in a perioperative environment. Conclusions. The inclusion of a cognitive screening assessment in the preoperative assessment of the condition of elderly patients in Ukraine is necessary at the legislative level, since does not require long time or significant economic costs; The best options for such tools are Mini-Cog, RCS and a relatively new MoCA (which, however, requires considerable time). More research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive screening tools in perioperative conditions.


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How to Cite

Басенко, І., Об’ещик, Д., & Суслов, А. (2022). A BRIEF REVIEW OF PRE-OPERATIVE COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION SCREENING TOOLS IN THE WORK OF ANESTHESIOLOGIST. Clinical Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, (1), 108–123. https://doi.org/10.31379/2411.2616.13.1.13