
  • I. Basenko
  • O. Suslov
  • D. Obieshchyk
  • D. Volodychev



obturator nerve, urology, anaesthesiology, obturator nerve blockade, regional anaesthesia, obturatory jerk, prevention of bladder perforation, oncology.


The following article outlines the preventive therapy techniques for the so-called “obturatory jerk”, the occurrence of which usually leads to perforation of the bladder wall during the intraoperative period of transurethral resection of bladder tumors. Particular attention is paid to anesthesiological techniques, mostly – the obturator nerve blockade (ONB), and the development of this technique from the first presentation of G. Labat (1922) to the present day; algorithms for the performance of ONB for specialists in clinics with different levels of income; the sonoanatomy of the blockade zone was demonstrated during distal ONB techniques under ultrasound navigation.


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How to Cite

Басенко, І., Суслов, О., Об’єщик, Д., & Володичев, Д. (2022). TECHNIQUES FOR PREVENTION OF OBTURATOR NERVE STIMULATION IN CASE OF TRANSURETHERAL RESECTION OF BLADDER TUMORS. Clinical Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, (2), 90–98.

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